How Can You Come Up With New Ideas?
Ever wondered how to come up with new ideas for your work systems, assignments, or product deals? This composition explains just that. Read on to find out. Then are a many pointers 1) Sleep on it. You may question your creative mind and keep questioning until you fall asleep at night. Your dreams may do the trick and give you ideas on how to break the problem of your work design or any assignment or deals of products. 2) Keep an open mind Look around you while you walk or drive. Be at the moment with an open mind. Ideas can come flowing. Before you know, you have in your stage several ideas to choose from. 3) Say a prayer Take the help of an Advanced Power or God or the Universe. Ask for the ideas you need and say why. Make simple statements. Ask questions in the affirmative. also forget the whole process and get detached. And the Eureka moment will surely hit you in a short while. 4) Meditate Keep in a no- study state while you meditate. Be at the moment. Qu...